
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A day in the life

When your mind starts to turn to jello (jelly)

Three weeks into the holidays and I am getting bored with a capital "B". It would probably seem stupid that after all of the assignment deadlines and exam prepping that I am missing all that mentally challenging stuff. Perhaps missing is not the appropriate word. I just need a little mental stimulation to get me going again so I can start to write something half decent for the blog.

Without the immediate access to the net and my files on my computer back in Auckland I am sat here at without a "real" topic to write about and am resorting to a filler for the moment.

The Festive Season

Is it just me or isn't it getting to be the case that the older you get the more likely it is that you begin to carve out your own family Christmas lunches and dinners. Well that was stating the obvious wasn't it (duh).

New Years with the mum and dad gradually turn into NYEs at Lamana before the legal age and then drinking binges at several (2-3) clubs into the wee hours of new years day and missing the barbie with the folks one New Years day. (NOTE this was based very loosely on my own life)

Gifts become less individual and pricier, more demanding more "family" oriented whilst cards become standard issue when you can't afford to send out all the gifts.

One starts to wonder whether we are really in the "spirit of Christmas" come December or just succumbing to the money making prerogatives of this day and age, falling deeper and deeper into a heartless, monotonous cycle rather then really seeing the wonder of Christmas as being that time of year when you do your reality check and realise that family and friends are really what make matter the most.

Lets hope people also realise the importance of that bit as well keep in mind those who don't get the chance to celebrate Christmas at all.

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