I thought Id better give you a run down on what these two sites are about.
Firstly George FM is an independent radio station based here in Auckland that plays very good house/electro/dance/etc music. They recently began broadcasting to the wider Auckland region i.e north of Albany and further south of Auckland.
The DJs are great and the mixes/shows always feature killer tracks and hot remixes (Im still trying to get my hands on the 1200 warriors's Marvin Gaye What's going on remix).
Now this next site is one I know my fellow blogistas at Ab Absurdo woould like. Now if you've ever seen those clothing sets on photobucket that you wish you'd been able to make yourself? Polyvore allows you to indulge your fashion and create whatever set inspires you by mixing ad matching different themes,backgrounds,clothes,shoes, etc.
As you may have noticed the current Socialista (temporary) header was created using polyvore.
Polyvore is free to sign up to and they even have a blog.
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